
Audition Masterclass

Are you ready for a career in circus?

Studying at the National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA) is your ticket to a professional career in circus - touring the world and inspiring others. The Audition Masterclass will give you a taste of what it's like to study at NICA and prepare you for your audition to give you the best chance of acceptance.

Who is it for?

The masterclass is ideal for prospective students, to get feedback on your progress and areas that you might need to work on.

For those with previous experience, this is your opportunity to polish your application with inside knowledge, and ensure you are putting your best foot forward prior to your audition.


NICA is Australia's only full-time tertiary circus school. For more than 20 years, NICA has been arming Australia's next generation of circus artists with life-changing experiences through its Certificate IV and Bachelor’s Degree programs in Circus Arts. Creating real pathways to industry success in Australia and beyond.

If you've ever dreamed of doing something exceptional with your life, NICA is the place for you. Your journey starts with NICA's Audition Masterclass… Come and join the circus.


• Run through the skills required for your audition and how to present them correctly

• Receive tips and tricks for creating a performance act

• Hear feedback on your progress and suggestions for training

• See the third-year ensemble matinee performance

• Gain familiarity with the space and the facilitators

• Meet your potential cohort of peers and enjoy a fun, challenging day of preparation


• What is the Audition Panel looking for?

• What areas do I need to work on with my fitness and skills?

• How do I make my performance act unique to me?

• How do the specialties work?

• How do we choose which apparatus we’ll be training at NICA?

• How does NICA assist with post-graduation industry contacts?

• How should I be training to make it sustainable and safe?


Inside Track

Sign up to our e-newsletter, Inside Track. We will send you the occasional email that keeps updated on significant news, important dates, and deadlines. You’ll also receive audition information, tips, and advice from our current students and trainers.

get on the Inside Track

Practice using the Audition Skills Guide

P.s Don’t be alarmed if you can’t perform all of these skills yet, we are looking for your potential as a circus performer.

Share your journey with us!


Frequently Asked Questions

Check out our FAQs here. Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. 

Yes! NICA accepts intentional students and does not have a limit from internal student applications.

Yes, a VISA is required to attend NICA. It is best to talk with international admissions team at Swinburne University of Technology to gain further information.

This information can be found on the Swinburne University of Technology website.  

Swinburne University of Technology offers selected scholarships, please refer to their website for further information.

The Bachelor of Circus arts is very physically demanding. NICA students are required to train circus skills for a minimum of 20 hours per week, while also attending Performance and Movement classes and one academic class per week.

The NICA Certificate IV program focuses on Foundations while offering an introduction to Circus Specialisation. The Bachelor of Circus Arts requires students to maintain a level of foundations and fitness skills however focuses on specialty skills and artistic development through accumulative training. Our students graduate with two specialty acts and one group/ensemble act.

As part of the training, students are given the opportunity to perform in at least one major production each year. After graduating alumni can join NICA Represents, NICA’s very own agency for professional circus performers and bespoke event entertainment.

Yes, NICA provide medical assistance to our students. We provide access to a full medical team of Physiotherapists, Sports Doctors and Psychologists.

Students work closely with trainers and medical team to choose their specialities and acts, ensuring they achieve employment and longevity in their career.

Yes, NICA offers an after-hours ‘Open Training’ program where students and professionals can train side by side.

Yes, many students acquire teaching, café, or bar jobs after the training hours.

Majority of NICA graduates secure touring contracts, festival work, start their own companies or go on to further training or education.

Still have questions?

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