Master the credible in incredible.
NICA is the recognised National Centre of Excellence in circus studies, exclusively offering the country’s only Bachelor of Circus Arts, and Certificate IV in Circus Arts.
Our graduates are global citizens, employed in over 45 countries world-wide. We take pride in fortifying Australia’s role and reputation within the local, and international contemporary circus sphere.
All our courses are delivered by world-class trainers, in our award-winning, custom-built training facilities. NICA’s advanced training methods, and specialised university education, prepares students to meet the demands of a highly competitive industry.
NICA has entered into a new educational partnership with Collarts (Australian College for the Arts), which is accredited by TEQSA to offer the Bachelor of Circus Arts program and provides overarching academic and quality guidance and regulation.
Our VET programs will continue to be delivered in partnership with Swinburne University in 2025, before transitioning to Collarts in 2026.
To find out more about our individual courses, and which one is right for you, explore our options below.

How to study at NICA
Auditions & preparation
Successful applicants must be physically able to undertake the rigorous NICA training. Students train physically between four and six hours a day in circus skills, fitness, dance and movement. After you apply through Swinburne University of Technology you will be invited to audition in-person or submit a video audition.
To be the first to know about audition dates and access other tips and tricks - sign up to Inside Track below.

Sign up to Inside Track
Sign up to receive the occasional email that keeps you in the know about significant dates and deadlines, exciting announcements, and updates on student life at the National Institute of Circus Arts. You’ll get valuable insight and audition advice, so you are equipped to take the plunge and kickstart start your professional circus career!

Residencies & NICA Represents
NICA collaborates with arts institutions including the Australian Ballet School, AFTRS, NIDA and Circus Oz. Second year international excursions have included visits to Montreal, Russia, France, China and the USA.
NICA training can lead to work in contemporary circus, traditional circus, social circus, stunt work, corporate entertainment, festivals, teaching and other sectors of the arts industry.
Since 2001 NICA graduates have gained respect worldwide for their discipline, creativity and extraordinary skills! NICA graduates have worked with Cirque du Soleil, Circa, Circus Oz, Cavalia, Dragone, Carnival Australia, NOFIT State Circus. Many graduates have started up their own successful circus / physical theatre companies.
NICA Represents offers opportunities for graduates to work with high level clients and create beautiful pieces of work.
Our Alumni
Where are they now?
Across NICA’s 20+ years, our graduates have travelled around the globe with big companies and their own genius shows. Here are some of their stories:

Frequently Asked Questions
Check out our FAQs here. Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
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From the training room floor
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