Making a career with dance: the journey from dance to circus
Many ask the question, what are some dance related careers? Well, circus and dance – The Greatest Showman makes it clear they go together rather finely, but what is it really like to be a dancer and circus artist? Is studying circus something dancers should consider to improve their career and art? Is circus a natural progression from dance?
We’ve supplied a handy list of the top reasons why circus is a realistic career move for dancers and perhaps a great choice for you.
More ways to move and express yourself
Circus allows you to dance on the ceiling – literally. Apparatus like aerial silks, aerial hoops, aerial ropes, rou cyr and hula hoops provide new possibilities. These acts are perfect for dancers and allow you to take your movement skills to another realm.
Diversify your career
Being a dancer and a circus artist opens up your performance opportunities and give you more tools in your toolkit. Circus artists can perform for corporate events, festivals, major productions like Cirque Du Soleil, cruise ships, commercials and stage shows.
A dancer’s training background is the perfect spring board for circus
Training as a dancer means you will have a disciplined body and work ethic. You will be ready to study circus arts at an elite level and be able to pick new skills up quickly.
NICA also incorporates dance and movement within the program, offering dance units as part of a Bachelor Degree.
Many circus professionals enjoy success at home, but for some the allure of an international tour circuit is darn exciting. Travel the world performing and get paid for it. Can you bring us back a fridge magnet?
Join a vibrant, inclusive community
Circus is well renowned for being an open, judgement free environment where anything goes. Creativity is celebrated and you can really be yourself, both as an individual and in your art.
Students often say that making friends at NICA is the easiest they’ve ever had it.
Access to a unique, tertiary education
Australia is lucky enough to be home to the National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA). NICA is a part of Swinburne University and funded by the Department of Communications and Arts. It provides the only Bachelor Degree in Circus Arts this side of the equator and shows off some pretty neat facilities. Not bad Australia, not bad. NICA collaborates with institutes all over the world including Canada, Russia and Europe. This gives us Aussies an awesome head start and an international gateway for our artists.
Read more about NICA’s certificate and Bachelor courses at the NICA website and consider signing up to Inside Track – the exclusive mailing list for NICA hopefuls.
04 Jul 2018